[Writing Sample 02] Line graph

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The graph below shows the percentage of population in cities since the 1970s with a projection to 2030.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main feature, and make comparison where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Bước 1: Đọc hiểu biểu đồ

– Biểu đồ gì? – Line graph

– Đối tượng/ chủ thể của biểu đồ: the percentage of population in cities – phần trăm dân số ở các thành phố

– Địa điểm: 4 different countries, including the USA, Korea, China, India

– Thời gian: 1970-2030 – Quá khứ kết hợp dự đoán


Bước 2: Viết Introduction

The name of the chart + V(s,es) + what + where + when

=> The line graph gives the proportion of urban population over a period of 60 years from 1970.


Bước 3: Xác định ý chính và viết câu tổng quát

Nhìn vào bức tranh TỔNG THỂ và xác định

– Xu hướng của biểu đồ: tất cả các đối tượng đều tăng

– Đối tượng tăng nhiều nhất/ ít nhất: Korea tăng nhiều nhất


Bước 4: Lựa chọn, nhóm thông tin và viết 2 đoạn body

Chia theo giai đoạn:

Body 1:

+ In 1970, the US – 70%, compared to 40% of Korea, was da

+ 1970 : remained stable until 1990 and 1980 respectively.

+ 1980: China still remained unchanged, India went up to around 30%.

+ 2010: 4 countries increased to nearly 90%, about 85%, just over 60%, and around 35%

Body 2:

+ In 2030, (dự đoán tương lai) → the US and Korea  – 90%, China -65%, India – 40%



The line graph gives information about the proportion of urban population over a period of 60 years from 1970.

Overall, the figures for all the surveyed countries show an upward trend over the period given. Moreover, the percentage of Korean citizens is forecasted to see the most dramatic change.

In the first year of the period, while the proportion of population in cities in the USA was 70%, that in Korea, with about 40%, was double the figures for China and India’s figures. In addition, the period from 1970 to 1980 witnessed a stable trend in both China and India; however, in the next 10 years, the proportion of urban population in China remained unchanged at 20% while that in India went up significantly to around 30%. 20 years later, all the percentages of population in major cities in 4 countries, including the USA, Korea, China, and India increased to nearly 90%, about 85%, just over 60%, and around 35% respectively.

In the year 2030, the rates of urban citizens in the US and Korea are expected to reach 90%, compared to approximately 65% and nearly 40% of the percentages of Chinese people and Indian inhabitants correspondingly.

[Word count: 197]


Moreover, = In addition,: hơn thế nữa, thêm vào đó

Respectively = correspondingly (adv): lần lượt là

About ~ around (adv): khoảng

Nearly ~ approximately (adv): xấp xỉ, gần

Just over (adv): hơn một ít

dramatic change (n phr): thay đổi đáng kể

urban population (n phr): dân số thành thị

surveyed countries (n phr): các đất nước được khảo sát

a stable trend (n phr): một xu hướng ổn định

remain unchanged (v phr): duy trì không đổi

compared to (phr): so với

S + tobe forecasted/ expected to + V: được dự đoán/ mong chờ là