[Writing Sample 02] Chủ đề: Team sport and Individual sport


“Some people think that it is more beneficial to take part in sports which are played in teams, like football, while other people think that taking part in individual sports, like tennis or swimming, is better. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.” 



Paraphrase đề bài 

  • Players ~ athletes ~ performers ~ participants

Body 1: View 1

  • They can concentrate on their training independently.


  • Participants are able to improve their self-determination in their lives.



Body 2: View 2 

  • Engaging in team based activities can significantly enhance individuals’ communication skills.


  • This is an ideal chance to meet and make novel friends.






These days, more and more contemporary attention has been placed on whether playing in a team helps players sufficiently or joining sports individually is more advantageous. In my opinion, I strongly support the former view.


There are two underlying reasons as to why individuals prefer taking part in personal sports. One of the most fundamental factors is that they can concentrate on their training independently. It is true that when playing solo sports, players are not distracted by others as well as manage their practicing time flexibly. Therefore, they can easily set up a suitable schedule to take the highest scores and achievements. Another compelling cause is that participants are able to improve their self-determination in their lives. Indeed, during not only training time but also competing periods, all their actions may significantly affect the result of the matches; hence, they need more effort and carefulness than others. Consequently, those who participate in sports privately become more unyielding and self-reliant.


Despite the above arguments, I am more convinced that performers should join in group sports. Firstly, engaging in team based activities and playing together can significantly enhance individuals’ communication skills. In fact, in order to win a competition, athletes are supposed to work with their teammates through mutual understanding, gestures, or communication, which enhances their interpersonal skills. Secondly, this is an ideal chance to meet and make novel friends. In particular, to establish a powerful sports team, it means that all contestants, who are from different places, need to cooperate and perform together sensibly. By cooperating or performing with others who share the same hobby, players have plenty of chances to foster relationships.


In conclusion, although personal sports are accompanied with several merits, I suppose that the benefits of team ones are more glaring.

[Word count: 294]