[Writing Sample 01] Map: The components of a neuron


The diagram shows the components of a neuron and how it works

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. You should write at least 150 words



  • At the center is a soma/cell body
  • Surrounding the soma are dendrites → receive messages/information/signals from other cells
  • 2nd important component: Axon → pass/direct/transmit/transfer M/I/S from the soma to other neurons, muscles or glands. Each instance is called a neural impulse
  • Each axon is shielded by a no. of Myelin sheathes, which also expedites neural impulses
  • When neural impulse → an electrical signal/electric current traverse the axon to the 3rd important component: Terminal buttons
  • Terminal buttons form junctions with other cells → deliver message to cells at the end of the signal’s journey


The graph illustrates the structure of a neuron and how it functions.


Overall, a neuron transmits internally starting from dendrites and ending at the terminal buttons where it sends the signal to another neuron.


There are three main parts of a neuron: the head, the body and the end point. The head of a neuron includes the cell body or the soma, and the dendrites. The dendrites would act similar to antennas. Precisely, at the first step, the messages are received by those dendrites. Next, the messages would be transferred through an electrical signal inside the middle part of the neuron. The middle part has two layers: the internal axon and the myelin sheath that cover the axon. The axon is where the signal is being relayed, whereas the sheath acts as a cover. At the final step, when the texts arrive at the terminal buttons, it would then be delivered to other neurons that connect to the end points. Then, this process would repeat in the news-received neuron.


[Word Count: 169]