[ QUÝ I-2023] IELTS SPEAKING Part 2: Describe a time when someone gave you something you really wanted.

Bài mẫu và từ vựng chủ đề “Describe a time when someone gave you something you really wanted”

You should say:

– What was that?

– Who gave it to you?

– When did you receive it?

– And explain how you felt about it?


I. Gợi ý lên ý tưởng: 

Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really wanted là đề thi rất quen thuộc trong bài thi IELTS Speaking. Nằm trong nhóm bài Events, kiến thức của chủ đề này có thể được áp dụng với những bài thi cùng nhóm bài hoặc được sử dụng trong tình huống giao tiếp Tiếng Anh thường ngày.


II. Từ vựng và Cấu Trúc hay cho chủ đề: 

  • Over the moon (idiom): extremely happy and excited
  • Be dying to do sth/for sth (idiom): to want sth or want to do sth very much
  • splurge my money on something: vung tiền vào cái gì đấy
  • out of stock: hết hàng


III. Bài mẫu:

I’m going to talk about the mountain bike that I got from my father when I was in middle school. At the time, I was trying to develop some new hobbies, so I just chose mountain biking. Then, I surfed the internet to get a really fancy mountain biking and I just sported my eyes in one bike from Germany which cost one thousand four hundred and 98 euro that was too pricey. However, I didn’t think a family like mine could actually afford that kind of bicycle. It’s too much money investing in something unnecessary so I just kept it as a secret. Therefore, I decided to not tell my father, but to my surprise, one Sunday afternoon he just brought this bicycle in front of my face directly, and I was super elated. I can say, i almost wanted to cry, i felt my father was so good. He was treating me really nice can you imagine that? He really made me thrilled to bits by giving me that bicycle cause you know as a child i didn’t say a lot in front of my father about what i wanted, I felt like it was not suitable for me to ask a lot of things from my parents who have already suffered a lot from working, but he still just wanted to give the best to his child. I was pretty moved at that time. So, that bike was the best thing that I’ve ever got in my life, even until now i still keep it and use it as my main transportation to travel around the city.


IV. Từ vựng tham khảo

  • pricey (adj): đắt đỏ
  • elated (adj): phấn khởi
  • made me thrilled to bits: hồi hộp từng chút một
  • suffered a lot from working: phải chịu đựng rất nhiều từ công việc


1. How should bosses reward employees?

Rewarding employees is a crucial aspect of employee engagement and motivation. Bosses should reward employees in a way that not only acknowledges their hard work but also motivates them to continue doing their best. One effective way to reward employees is by providing them with opportunities for growth and development. This could involve sending them to training programs or conferences, or giving them more challenging projects to work on. Another way to reward employees is by providing them with monetary incentives, such as bonuses, salary increments or gift cards. Additionally, bosses can also give non-monetary rewards, such as recognition and appreciation.

  • A crucial aspect: một khía cạnh quan trọng
  • Engagement (n): sự gắn kết
  • Acknowledge (v): thừa nhận
  • Monetary incentives: ưu đãi về tiền

2. What are the things young people like to buy?

There are two types of things that people will want to buy, that is the stuff that is to their liking and the ones that serve their needs. Regarding the first type, beautiful clothes or even the latest version of Play Station,…. can be something that is in the shopping carts, although they are not really necessary. Besides, there are essential goods that people may love buying so that they can have better living conditions, such as household appliances or stationery. Normally, people who have family already tend to enjoy purchasing the second type of stuff mentioned.

3. What should parents do when their children ask for things their friends have?

Parents should not turn down their children’s requests at first since this may leave a bad impression on them. They should carefully find out the reasons for this and decide if it is worth a purchase or not. For example, if their offspring ask for the same kind of pens as their friends because it helps them to write better, parents should consider that option. On the contrary, if it’s a request for the latest Chanel bag, clearly parents have to explain and turn down it immediately. Parents should be alert and open-minded when it comes to educating their children and put themselves in their kids’ shoes as well.

  • Turn down: từ chối
  • Offspring (n): con cái

4. How should children spend their allowance money?

Teaching children how to manage their allowance money is an important part of financial education. Children should be encouraged to save a portion of their allowance money for future expenses, such as buying toys or clothes. Another portion of the money should be used for charitable giving, as this helps children develop empathy and understand the importance of giving back. Additionally, children should also be allowed to spend a portion of their allowance money on things they want, such as snacks or toys. This helps them understand the value of money and learn to make informed decisions about their spending.

  • Allowance money: tiền trợ cấp
  • Charitable giving: từ thiện
  • Empathy: sự đồng cảm