1. What music do you like?
  2. What music do you dislike?
  3. Do you often listen to one type of music?
  4. What music do your friends like? Do you enjoy the same type of music?
  5. What’s the most popular type of music where you live?
  6. Which singer or musician would you like to meet in person?


  1. What music do you like?
  • I am a music lover so I enjoy listening to different kinds of music because any music be it classical, electronic or pop creates some feelings in my soul. Moreover, I love different kinds of music because it influences me in different ways, for example classical music lessens depression whereas rock music evokes strong memories.

      2. What music do you dislike?

  • To be honest, I have a deep aversion to light music because it gives me a feeling of depression and no emotion. Moreover, I need music to motivate me, so sth like slow or blue is usually not my choice.

     3. Do you often listen to one type of music?

  • I usually listen to music based on emotions. For example, on a rainy day and I feel depressed, instrumental piano music is always my first choice because it gives me peace, and when I feel full of energy, I will choose strong ballads so I can be more productive in studying and working

    4. What music do your friends like? Do you enjoy the same type of music?

  • My friends prefer many genres of music, for example, mental rock, jazz, blue,…. Of course, we all have different preferences and tastes. Personally, I like a mix of genres, so I can usually find something I like while my friends are playing. Especially we always have the same favorite singer for each genre

   5. What’s the most popular type of music where you live?

  • I really can’t make a blanket statement about the music preferences of all people in my country. But the most played genre of music on all entertainment platforms is ballads. I guess it’s because it has a modern rhythm and is really catchy in many situations. 

  6. Which singer or musician would you like to see in person? 

  • Frankly speaking, I idolize many singers in many different countries, but the one I want to meet in real life is probably Son Tung mtp. From a singer who was hated by many people and now he has proven himself in composing songs as well as performing it in front of the big stage. This really impressed me and I wanted to take a picture with him to motivate me to be the best version of myself.


  • music lover: người yêu âm nhạc
  • create some feelings in my soul: tạo ra một số cảm xúc trong tâm hồn tôi
  • lessen depression: giảm trầm cảm
  • evoke strong memories: gợi lên những ký ức mạnh mẽ
  • have a deep aversion to sth: có ác cảm sâu sắc với …
  • instrumental piano music: nhạc piano không lời
  • genre of music: thể loại nhạc
  • preferences and tastes: sở thích và gu
  • make a blanket statement about sth: vơ đũa cả nắm
  • to be the best version of myself: trở thành phiên bản tốt nhất của bản thân