1. Do you like chocolate?
  2. What’s your favorite flavor?
  3. How often do you eat chocolate?
  4. When was the first time you ate chocolate?
  5. Is chocolate popular in your country?
  6. Do you think people use chocolate differently now than in the past?
  7. Is chocolate good for our health?
  8. Have you ever given chocolate as a present to someone? Why?


1. Do you like chocolate?

  • Well, you know, I do not have a sweet tooth, so chocolate is not my cup of tea. It is too sweet for me.
  • Well, honestly speaking, I have a sweet tooth, so chocolate is actually my cup of tea.

2. What’s your favorite flavor?

  • I do not know much about different flavors of chocolate, but I prefer dark chocolate. This is because the bitterness balances well against the sweetness. Milk chocolate is too rich for me though it is a favorite for many.
  • To be totally upfront, I have had the opportunity to taste different kinds of chocolate -> it’s very difficult to tell which flavor stands out from the rest. However, if I have to pick out just one, I would say white chocolate is my all-time favorite since it has a unique flavor, not too sweet, not too bitter. a perfect balance.

3. How often do you eat chocolate?

  • Not so often since it is quite expensive. I only have it on some special occasions like Valentine’s day.
  • Not so often. I only eat a bar of dark chocolate whenever I feel stressed or I need to recharge my battery after working my butt off.

4. When was the first time you ate chocolate?

  • If my memory serves me right, the first time I tasted chocolates was 10 years ago. At that time, ……

5. Is chocolate popular in your country?

  • Well, from my observation chocolate is quite popular in Vietnam. Especially chocolate-flavored drinks are kind of the in-thing right now, as are chocolatey desserts.

6. Is chocolate good for our health?

  • It depends largely on the variety. Milk chocolate seems to be unhealthy for me since it contains a ton of sugar and fats. Consuming a huge amount of chocolate can pose a dire threat to our physical health. But dark chocolate is a different matter. It can actually improve our mood and provide antioxidants for our body.

7. Have you ever given chocolate as a present to someone? Why?

  • Well it is a tradition of mine to buy a bar of dark chocolate to give to my significant other on Valentine’s Day.


  • Have a sweet tooth: Thích đồ ngọt 
  • Dark chocolate :  Sôcôla đen,  milk chocolate: socola sữa = White chocolate 
  • Bitter>< Sweet -> bitterness and sweetness (n), rich: ngậy ( richness) n 
  • Truffles/ toffees : Tên loại sôcôla 
  • chocolate-flavored = chocolatey : có vị socola 
  • A box of ….., a bar of chocolate : Một hộp, Một thanh 
  • All-time favorite: ưa thích nhất từ trước tới giờ 
  • Decompress (v): Thư giãn = relax= unwind = let’s one’s hair down = let’s steam off 
  • A pick-me-up (n) : Sự an ủi tinh thần bằng đồ ăn uống when feeling down or stressed. 
  • Significant other (n): Nửa còn lại ( người yêu/…)