[ QUÝ I-2023] IELTS SPEAKING Part 2 : Describe a development in your country like a shopping center or park.

Bài mẫu và từ vựng chủ đề “Describe a development in your country like a shopping center or park”

You should say:

– What is it?

– Where is it?

– What are its benefits?


I. Gợi ý lên ý tưởng: 

Các bạn có thể liên tưởng đến các Siêu Đô Thị, Đại Siêu Thị ở các thành phố lớn để có nhiều ý tưởng nói hơn thay vì nói đến những phát triển nhỏ không đáng kể.


  • Hypermarket
  • Smart city
  • Shopping mall
  • Eporium


II. Từ vựng và Cấu Trúc hay cho chủ đề: 

  • a stone’s throw (idiom): một quãng ngắn                                                          Ex: The park is just a stone’s throw from my home
  • the inauguration of …: sự khánh thành của một địa điểm nào đó
  • a vibrant community gathering place: một nơi tụ họp cộng đồng sôi động
  • to take a stroll: đi dạo
  • recreational benefits: lợi ích giải trí
  • one-stop shop: cửa hàng đáp ứng được nhiều nhu cầu của khách hàng


III. Bài mẫu:

In my city shops spring up like mushrooms, but almost all of them aren’t even worth mentioning because of their poor range of goods, poor service and exorbitant prices. The only recent development that made my life much easier is a hypermarket that opened several months ago. Actually, there is one more big-box store in my city, the one where I used to do all my shopping, but it is situated on the other end of the city, so it took me way too much time to get there and back. This one is also located on the outskirts of the city, but it’s much closer to my home, which is really convenient and saves a lot of my time. 

Like all hypermarkets, it sells a lot of different types of goods from toothpaste to household appliances and provides consumers with all the goods they require. What I particularly like is that it has a huge variety of products that I just haven’t seen anywhere else. At the same time, whatever I find there is going to be affordable. I recently got a T-shirt for $2 where I would have paid more than $5 elsewhere. I also have big savings on products that I buy in bulk, for example, bottled water, kitchen paper, washing powder and many other things like these. Also, product categories are well organized so that I can find different items I’m looking for in one location. What’s more, it’s open all day, so I can go there on weekdays, thus, I don’t have to make time for shopping on weekends. Instead, I spend more time with friends and family. I’m really happy that now I can do shopping much faster and spend much less money than before.


  • spring up like mushrooms: mọc lên như nấm
  • hypermarket = big-box store = đại siêu thị
  • outskirts (n): vùng ngoại ô
  • buy in bulk: mua số lượng lớn



1. What transportation do you use the most?

I can say that I primarily use public transportation. This includes buses, trains, and subways, depending on what is available in my area. Public transportation is often the most cost effective and environmentally friendly way to travel and a great option for those without access to a car. While it may not always be the most convenient option, I believe it is important to prioritize sustainability and accessibility when choosing modes of transportation.

  • Cost effective: giá thành hợp lí
  • Environmentally friendly: thân thiện với môi trường
  • Sustainability (n): sự lâu dài
  • Accessibility (n): khả năng tiếp cận

2. Is public transportation popular in your country?

Yes, public transportation is quite popular in Viet Nam, particularly in urban areas. The country has an extensive network of public transportation systems, including buses, trains, and sky train, that provide affordable and convenient means of travel for millions of people every day. Due to high levels of congestion on the roads and limited parking options, public transportation is often the preferred choice for commuting and travelling within cities. Additionally, the government is continuously investing in improving public transportation infrastructure to make it more efficient and accessible to all.

  • Commuting: đi lại
  • Congestion (n): tắc đường

3. What can be improved in public transport services?

There are several areas where public transport services can be improved. First, it is essential to make public transport more accessible and convenient for people with disabilities or mobility issues. Second, there is a need for more reliable and frequent services, particularly during peak hours. Third, improvements in technology can help streamline the ticketing process and provide real-time information on schedules and delays. Finally, public transport services should be more eco-friendly by transitioning to cleaner energy sources and reducing their carbon footprint. These improvements can help make public transport more appealing to a wider range of people and promote sustainable modes of transportation.

  • Disabilities or mobility issues: khuyết tật hoặc có vấn đề trong việc di chuyển
  • Peak hours: giờ cao điểm
  • Streamline: hợp lí hóa
  • Eco-friendly = Environmentally friendly
  • Carbon footprint: khí thải carbon